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FAQ On Blue Sky Plan

FAQ on Blue Sky Plan:

How do I import a scan on Blue Sky Plan?

First you need to export the DICOM images from the CT scanner software. The images should be exported as multifile, uncompressed DICOMs if the scanner software gives a choice. The folder should be placed on the same hard drive Blue Sky Plan is installed.
Open Blue Sky Plan, then click File menu > New Project.
Navigate to the folder containing the DICOM images and click OK to load them.
Select the relevant series from the "Select DICOM Series" window
In the Align window, use the cropping tools to slide the yellow bar over the area you want to crop out.
Click OK to load the image

Why can't I move implants?

Check the Mode menu to make sure you are not in Viewing Mode.  If so, switch to Normal or Advanced as needed.

Check if the implants are locked. Go to the Implant List panel and uncheck the locked column in order to move the implants.
The implants may be set for longitudinal axis rotation (spin) only.  
Right click on the implant
On the menu, mouse over Rotate Around then click Implant Axes

This will free the implant to move in any direction

Why can't I see all the implants placed?

Are the implants lying in the same plane of view?  If not, you may not see them in the same panoramic slice.

In the Implant List, adjust the Transparency levels as that may help change their viewability.

Check in Tools > Preferences > Defaults to see if "Always show selected implant/tooth" is checked.

Why can't I add implants to plan?

Check that you didn't inadvertently switch to Viewing mode.  
Go to the Mode menu to select Normal or Advanced.
Was the plan saved as Locked?  
Go to the File menu and click Unlock Project.

Is there a way to remove a tooth virtually from the model? 

Yes, if a tooth had not been ground out in the original model, it can be removed from the 3D model.

In the Surfaces Panel (Panels menu > Surfaces), uncheck all other surfaces except the relevant model.

 Rotate the model so there is a clear unobstructed view of the tooth to be removed

Click on the model name to highlight.

Click on the CUT button at the bottom of the panel
Move the cursor to the 3D view, hold the keyboard <Shift> key + left mouse button and drag the lasso around the tooth outline
Release the mouse button to execute the Cut function

This may be repeated as necessary 

Note: In some cases it may be necessary to close the model before cutting. Go to the Model Manipulation panel, select the relevant model and click Close the model.

The cut function is very robust and will cut all the way to the background so position the model accordingly before cutting.

How can I compare accuracy of planned implant position with final results?

One way is to take screenshots from the treatment plan and from the post-op CT as viewed in Blue Sky Plan. Then align them in a robust photo editing program such as Photoshop or Paint Pro using fixed landmarks such as common teeth and use the dissolve function to make one view more transparent than the other.  This would give a clear rendition as to the final proximity to the intended.

Here's another method using only Blue Sky Plan:

What you'll do is open the preop scan where you did the planning and then go to file........import scan appliance and import the dicoms of the post operative scan (this is an off label use of the function but it works great).  When you do that, it will take a while for the software to import it depending on the volume size so don't push any buttons.  Just let the software work.  

When it's done importing the "scan appliance", you'll see a window like what's attached.  There are 4 windows.  The upper left is the patient preop scan, the upper right is the post op scan, the lower right is the stitch window and the lower left is how the "scan appliance" will show up once imported.What you need to do is adjust the density in both upper windows to where you can see clearly all the teeth and then stitch the two images in the upper windows via points.  If it's an edentulous case, you'll have to stitch via bony landmarks which is harder.  
Once they've been stitched by points, you have to click "update" on the bottom and then verify in the lower right window that they are stitched together well.Now this is very important.........once you have a good stitch, you want to adjust the density on the lower left window so that only the implant shows up.  If you don't it will import into the preop case as just a jaw bone and you won't be able to clearly see the post op implant.  So adjust it to where only the implant shows up and then click "ok".  Now the post op implant will be imported and it will be an STL surface in your surfaces panel called "scan appliance".  You can now compare it's position to the preop plan.

How to make a whole in a surgical guide?

Yes, use the CUT function found in the Surfaces panel.
In Surfaces, make sure only the object you want to cut is visible in the 3D view.
Click on the Surface name to highlight it. 
Click on the Cut button at the bottom of the panel. 
In the 3D view, hold the <Shift> key + left mouse button and use the lasso to make a perimeter on the area you want to cut.
Release the left mouse button to execute the cut.

NEW METHOD in Blue Sky Plan 4

In the 3D view, right click on the finished surgical guide
Left drag on the widget pointers to move the gray block
Resize the window by left dragging on the small widget ball
Right click on the guide again to add additional windows or to edit current windows
Click  the Create Surgical Giude button in the Guide Fabrication Panel to create "Guide with Windows" 

How to record surgical guide specs?

You can try renaming the file to include the values in the file name.  Another option is to use the Apply Text tool to write values directly onto the guide after fabricating.  The Apply Text tool is found in the Guide Fabricatio Panel when in Advanced Mode.

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